Reminding you that your loved ones are always WITHIN REACH
For many of us it is difficult to imagine where our deceased loved ones “are” given that they don’t live in a physical body any longer. We spend hours and hours worrying about their whereabouts and if they are “alright”. Those that I communicate with on the other side remind me on a daily basis that although they no longer live a life the way they did here on Earth, their life is still very REAL. They do things that bring them joy and never have to worry about things that are all too human any longer. They remind me to tell you that they are living a life in Heaven, but that they are always Within Reach.
Patti now has an office and is able to do in person readings once again. She is able to do your reading via phone, FaceTime, zoom or in person at her office in Norfolk, CT. Please specify your preference when contacting us about an appointment. Please also specify whether you would like a mediumship reading, an intuitive counseling session or a life path session. More information about all types of readings can be found on the "Products" page of this website.